Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CeBIT 2009

Well, I'm trying to figure out if there's a chance I can attend CeBIT 2009 in Hannover next March. I don't know. I'd like to attend for several reasons. First, on a personal level, I have a number of friends in Hannover that I'd love to see and visit over the course of a few days. Second, it's one of those big trade shows that I've read about for many years and have never been to, so I'd at least like to see what the fuss is all about. Third, if I can accomplish some good advance planning, I'd like to see if I could arrange few job interviews. I haven't given up that dream of this global career I've been wanting...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chance to restore US reputation abroad ?

I've become a huge fan of Fareed Zakaria over the past couple of years. Every time I read his essays, or see him on television, I become more impressed with his grasp of politics and world affairs. I look at all the places I've seen or read him recently and I just can't imagine how anyone has the time to do all that he does.

Take, for example, this snippet from a recent column in Newsweek:

"I will not exaggerate the importance of a single personality, but Obama has become a global symbol like none I can recall in my lifetime...." "Were his administration to demonstrate in its day-to-day conduct a genuine understanding of other countries' perspectives and an empathy for the aspirations of people around the world, it could change America's reputation in lasting ways.
This is a rare moment in history. A more responsive America, better attuned to the rest of the world, could help create a new set of ideas and institutions—an architecture of peace for the 21st century that would bring stability, prosperity and dignity to the lives of billions of people."
Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek, 2008.11.29

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Another transatlantic proposal ?

Wow ! This is interesting - discussions about a merger between the NYSE and the Börse ? For now, both parties are saying that the deal has fallen through, but now that the door has been cracked open, my bet is that this deal is still on the table.

But now that the Börse has indicated it's receptive to a merger, would anyone be really surprised if another exchange decides to throw its hat in the ring?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

My would be global life...

I've always considered myself a globalist. Since I've returned from a whirlwind trip to Germany earlier this year, I believe this now more than ever. I say this having never even lived abroad - in spite of always wishing I could do so one day.

What defines a Global Individual? Is it reading The Economist? Watching Deutsche Welle? Vacationing in London ? Is it being an ex-pat or on a global assignment for one's firm? Not necessarily.

To me, this comes from having an understanding of and respect for other peoples and cultures, and as much as possible, having a sense of empathy for their history, ethnicities, languages. Not only that, but wanting to know more...

It's the greatest disappointment of my professional life that I never developed the international career I sought for so long. Living and working across the globe. Tuesday in London, Thursday in Brussels. Two weeks later in Chicago and LA. Next month, Seoul and Shanghai. That sort of thing. I wanted it so badly, I could feel it. Yet, I still consider myself a Global Individual. I maintain a large network of friends and contacts all across the world. Even though I am many years outside of high school, I *still* practice my German and French language studies on an almost daily basis. I skim the local news in London, Berlin, and Paris too. On October 3, Reunification Day in Germany, I was exchanging thoughts with my friends who were in Berlin when the wall came down. Am I a 'global citizen' ? To some, perhaps not, but to me, as long as I remain open-minded about the fact that there are others I share this planet with, and I care about how the other 90% live, yes.”

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Interesting global tidbit of the day...

So here's an interesting tidbit that took me completely by surprise. I was reading my favorite online newspaper and learned that Switzerland didn't even join the United Nations until 2002. It's not that much of a surprise for me to know that they're not in the EU - after all, that's been e a contentious issue within some countries, and the Swiss are known for their independence and neutrality, but that UN thing was a big surprise. Now I'm wondering if there are any other 1st world countries that aren't in the UN.

The article wasn't even about this - its focus was how Switzerland's economic strength is weakening due to the global credit crisis - a problem that is exacerbated by its reliance on banking as the #1 industry, but it was the UN thing that really got my attention.