Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Perhaps a bit of European Soul Searching ?

I have a great number of contacts across the globe - everywhere from Western Europe, to the Gulf States (Dubai, Saudi Arabia) and then further east, over to the Phillipines, Malaysia, Australia, and Vietnam.

Without exception, my global friends have been thrilled by the recent election here in the US and our soon to be new executive leadership. All the while, it has me reflecting on the state of race relations both here, and especially abroad.

The consensus seems to be that race relations are better here then elsewhere and that minorities - especially in Europe - won't be tapped (chosen, elected, whatever) for the highest offices in the forseeable future. Obama's election has induced a good amount of soul searching amongst the literati and intelligentsia, as well as the hoi polloi - especially in Europe.

Hence, these recent articles in the International Herald Tribune:

Can Europe produce an Obama?

Inspired by Obama, European minorities take action

Greens in Germany pick son of Turks as leader

France names Cameroon native to top regional post

Of course, Obama's rise to prominance happened virtually overnight (politically speaking). Who knows what will happen when a leader of color appears on the horizon in the UK, France, or Germany with the right combination of intelligence, charisma, looks, and ambition?

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